Dolphin and Sea Turtle Get Along


Dolphin is busy searching for food when Sea Turtle comes by. Upon seeing Dolphin and hearing his squeaks Sea Turtle becomes curious and starts asking questions. While it starts out seeming that these two are different they end up finding a commonality. 

海豚: 啊,啊,啊!

海龟: 你在干什么??

海豚: I’m using my voice to find some fish for dinner. Don’t you do that too?

海龟: 不,我不需要. Is that all you use that squeak for?

海豚: No I use it to communicate with my pod and to work around obstacles.

海龟: 这很有趣.

海豚: 是的, I am pretty neat. You said you don’t have to use your voice to find fish. How do you catch your dinner?

海龟: 哈哈哈! 这是有趣的! 

海豚: 很高兴你这么想.

海龟: (clears throat) Sorry. 什么 I mean is, I don’t eat fish. I eat sea grasses and they are not that hard to find.

海豚: It’s weird that you eat grass.

海龟: 什么?! Well I think it’s weird that you eat fish! Now don’t you feel bad?

海豚: 不,不完全是. 你为什么是新手??

海龟: 是草. 

海豚: Hmm… do all turtles eat grass?

海龟: No, some of my cousins prefer jellyfish and other soft bellied animals and other cousins prefer crabs and clams. 

海豚: I thought you guys were all the same?

海龟: Are all dolphins the same?

海豚: No! That’s a silly question! 

海龟: Well then your question is just as silly. How many types of dolphins are there anyways?

海豚: 有很多, 我是宽吻海豚, 哪个是最好的?, but there are other kinds like the black dolphin, Commerson的海豚, and the spotted dolphin. All together there are 32 different kinds of dolphins.

海龟: 哇! 32是个大数字! Well, like you dolphins, there are different types of sea turtles, seven to be exact.  我是一只绿海龟, but there are leatherbacks, 红海龟, 所以玳瑁, 尤其是坎皮海龟, 榄蠵龟, 和背.

海豚: 哇! I didn’t know there were that many different kinds of turtles. How come I haven’t seen that many of you?

海龟: Most of us are endangered because of pollution, 意外捕获, 沿海开发, 过度捕捞. A lot of us have lost our homes.

海豚: I guess we have some things in common. We dolphins are endangered too. 

海龟: It’s not the same ocean our ancestors swam.

海豚: You can say that again.

海龟: There was a time when things were balanced, everyone got what they needed, but now it seems that there are those who want more. 我想知道为什么?

海豚: 是的! I mean, it only takes a few fish to keep the hunger pains away. It’s like people want more, but what for?

海龟: 难倒我了!

海豚: Well I hope they get things figured out up there, because pretty soon our homes will be destroyed and we won’t make it.

海龟: I wonder if there’s anyone up there fighting for us. 我希望有. I don’t want to disappear. I want people to know about sea turtles.

海豚: 是的. There’s a lot people could learn from dolphins! We’re pretty smart you know.

海龟: I think we can both agree we have a lot to offer the world. 

海豚: 同意!
